A Polish-American Family with a gigantic family tree.
"The King" Welcomes You...

James Frances Sielatycki, endearingly known as "Jimmy Slats" earned the helm of King because of his tenacious love for Sielatycki's across the world.
This website is dedicated to the memory of Slats, who epitomized the very essence of the Sielatycki family. His never-ending love and respect for his fellow blood was clear. He was the favorite among men, women, children, and the estranged. He brought a sense of calm and a belief that each of us was doing our best. He cared very deeply about each of us and fought his way to heaven with family surrounding his side. Jimmy Slats died in 2004 from a brain tumor that took his body but immortalized his soul.
The website you are about to review is a result of the love that Jimmy Slats so fiercely defended for all of us.
This website is dedicated to the memory of Slats, who epitomized the very essence of the Sielatycki family. His never-ending love and respect for his fellow blood was clear. He was the favorite among men, women, children, and the estranged. He brought a sense of calm and a belief that each of us was doing our best. He cared very deeply about each of us and fought his way to heaven with family surrounding his side. Jimmy Slats died in 2004 from a brain tumor that took his body but immortalized his soul.
The website you are about to review is a result of the love that Jimmy Slats so fiercely defended for all of us.
Polish-American History
Our family story follows a long tradition of Polish-American values. We honor one another with respect and common bonds. Sielatycki genes mixed with those invited by our blood have created the greatest family on earth. A competitive spirit drives within all of us. An amazing record of success in a wide variety of fields is proof that Sielatycki's of all sorts are truly special individuals.